What does it mean to be happy?

If you sat down, right now, and compiled a list of things that makes you happy—what would that list look like? What would make the cut? I can imagine that most people would put down something like “family”, “friends”, “chipotle” (Ok, maybe that’s just me) or things like that. Each item written, would most likely have critical value to your everyday life. Things that you could not be without. (Or maybe even things that couldn’t be without you.)

To a child, happiness could mean playing on the playground or scribbling on furniture. To a parent it could mean just doing nothing at the end of the day with their spouse. See where we are going with this? Happiness can look like many things, and it can look like nothing.

So now what if I asked you, after you had finished, to write a similar list but this time writing what makes you unhappy? I know for me that list may be a tad bit longer. But why? As we go about our days we find plenty of things to be upset about. Not only that, but sometimes it even seems like there is WAY more things that can bring us down, than there are things to encourage us. 

But is that really how it is? What if happiness came from within, a natural desire to be happy in spite what was going on around you. Seeing the good, seeing the bad, and choosing happiness. It sounds easier than it is sometimes, but I can tell you this after you’ve chosen it once—it begins to choose you. And that is a beautiful thing.

Challenge yourself to pick happiness over all the troubles of your day, week, or even life and see what a difference it can make.

God Bless,
Gabriel Gibilisco,




You still have two strikes left.

•Take the hits, and keep moving forward.

•Pull strength from those that need you.

•Wear the scars like a badge of honor.

•Don’t you dare quit–it’s not over.



Be Kind. Be Light. Be Love.

Food for thought:

Be Kind.

Regardless of circumstance, proving that there is good in the world–one person at a time.

Be Light.

Shining through the darkness, a beacon of hope lighting the way for a better tomorrow.

Be Love.

Loving on the unlovable. Going out of your way to show concern, and acting on it. Love lasts, be it.

God Bless,

Gabriel Gibilisco

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Finding what inspires you.

What inspires you? Or better yet, who do you draw inspiration from?

This past week, I had the privilege to meet one of my top musical inspirations, “for King & Country”. Some of you may remember my article from awhile back entitled “Love is ____.” where I used a lyric from one of there songs as an example! (And if you don’t, the link below will take you to “Love is ____.”)

Love is ____.


Myself with Joel Smallbone of, “for King & Country”.

Getting the opportunity to meet somebody that truly inspires me, has seriously (wait for it) inspired me. It has opened up my mind to a whole new perspective about the subject itself. But above all, it has got me thinking…

How often are we inspired by the things around us and not even realize it?

I have been trying my very hardest recently to notice the things that make me want to be better whether it’s people, situations, or pure happenstance itself. Furthermore, I have made it a point to tell those who inspire me, the impact they have had. And that’s exactly what I told to Joel. (His response was extremely encouraging but I’ll save that for another post.)

I have found in my own personal life, when somebody blesses me by saying that I have “inspired” them, it actually inspires me! It pushes me to do more and to be more.

Let’s start this trend of being honest with those who have inspired you and watch this cycle continue to enrich our communities with the potential to be better. 


Once you have done this, leave a comment below or on our social media telling what difference it has made!

God Bless,

Gabriel Gibilisco




Happy 4th of July! 

Let me begin by expressing how awesome it is that “The Writer’s Blog” has been read in 50 countries worldwide. So extremely thankful for all of you!

Today, all 50 states celebrate the liberties that we have as a nation. Freedoms that are priceless–and for some, unobtainable. 

Remember to acknowledge those who gave it all, so we may sit in our homes with the ones we love today. 

But whether you are free or not today, do not be mislead. Strive for freedom that lives inside you, the tangible, wholesome, and life changing power that comes from above. Only then can true freedom be celebrated.

God bless you today as we celebrate the 4th of July, and God bless The United States of America.

Gabriel Gibilisco

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Special thanks to Vanessa Barnes for the awesome photo!

Write love on the sky.

I am sure that most of us by this point have heard about, or are at least are familiar with, the shootings that happened in Charleston. If not, this past week nine people were killed during a bible study in a baptist church due to a man’s hatred for another race. 

Reports say that the man was attempting to start a wide spread “race riot”. One person spoke out in reply to the man’s prior comment, “[He] has failed miserably. We all grieve together tonight.”

If there is one thing that Charleston, South Carolina has taught us it’s how to love…even when it looks hopeless. The victims that night took in a clearly broken man into their quarters and welcomed him fully unaware of his intentions. And now, in the aftermath, we see a town who is choosing to love during a seemingly unlovable situation. Charleston has used love to unify their town that is shaken to its core. What an example they have set for all of us.

Let me ask you…

What would the world look like, if everyone in it behaved just like you?

Would it be filled with “happiness”? How about “compassion”? Could that society even exist?

If I’m being honest, a world with 7 billion me’s would look like an overly critical society. One that would be concerned about the future and less about the “now”. And would be filled with corny puns. (And tons of Chiptole. But regardless…you see what I’m getting at.)

I think it’s important to remember that you have incredible power in our society. What you do, matters. Do you know how I know that?

If a man who can kill 9 innocent people in cold blood (act of hate) and the result is the unity of an entire town, how much more can be done by the way you choose to love?
God Bless,

Gabe Gibilisco
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Being friendly.

Yesterday I was able to meet a younger gentleman named Phillip. I had spotted him out of my peripheral vision as I sat during a baby dedication ceremony and noticed that in a room FULL of aquintances and friends–I didn’t recognize this particular man. I told myself after the service I would go over and introduce myself…so, I did.

Walking over I dawned the friendliest face I could in spite being slightly apprehensive and said “Hello”. It turns out that he is from SoCal! (That means Southern California for those not familiar with the “fancy” west coast lingo.) We chatted briefly and he told me how he is in the military, played soccer for 9 years, and is over here on the east coast now.

A few moments of what I’ve considered calling “random kindness” from both parties has given me a priceless gift–a new friend. 

See, Phillip and I don’t know a single fact about each other outside of our names and the simple small talk we dabbled in. But that isn’t the point. What’s important is that a NEW personality, heart, and soul has now been brought into my life. And, from what I could gather, a good one at that!

I can’t say I know what kind of impact I had on him yesterday, but I know that if I had 1/10 the impact he had on me and the new perspective I’ve gained on being a friend, then I’d be satisfied. 

One of the most rewarding and under utilized blessings of life is meeting new people.

I challenge you this week, go out of your way to meet someone new. You’d be surprised how quickly small talk can turn into something bigger.

God Bless,

Gabe Gibilisco


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Within the next month or so I will have been to six different states for many different reasons. All of them being “life goal” oriented and all being large steps into a world of the unknown. As these unfamiliar places become a new playground, I will be forced to decide new things that will or will not be a big parts of my future. Regardless, all that will be seen will start with a choice.

I spent the last week in Los Angeles, California trying to uncover whether or not moving there would be a good idea. I sat on the plane with excitement, nerves, and indifferent schools of thought that filled my head. Questions like, “What if it’s not what I want?” and “What if it is what I want?” became my main focus all six hours of air travel.

A temporary stay to a potential permanent home was hard to stitch into a five day trip. But what I learned was this:

If there is a choice, then there is hope. There is ALWAYS a choice, so there is ALWAYS hope.

When you look at your life, do not set your sight on which is the “right choice”. Because often times, there isn’t always one right choice. Sometimes there are many!

My favorite poet, Robert Frost, speaks to this idea:

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”   

So don’t panic or stress, and do what you feel is best. Choosing the right decision is as easy as looking at your options and deciding that there isn’t one correct answer–but rather, many.

God Bless,

Gabe Gibilisco

Connect with us!




I don’t think I can recall a time in my life that this word has become more revelant.


the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

I have found that the older you get, the more complicated life can be. And as a result of complexity, there is change, and from change comes transition.

I think most people when they are young, dream of “growing up” and becoming something that they love–but I am not sure that all think about the major TRANSITIONS that come with getting older. Why would you? Life is perfect when you are young! Now understand, I’m not just speaking about kids becoming adults, I’m talking about ANY stage of life that suddenly requires change.

Transitions can be hurtful or healing and sometimes…both at the same time. But the beauty of “transition” is the possibility that follows the change.

Wherever you are in the world, and whatever you are facing: try to see your transitions as new possibility.

God Bless,

Gabe Gibilisco


@GabeGibilisco @thewritersblogg


What is “Wisdom”?

If given the choice would you rather be the smartest person in the world, or the wisest? The smart person would say “I’d rather be the smartest”. But the wiser person would answer, “I would rather be both”.

What is wisdom? Or what does “being wise” mean to you? When I consider this topic I am reminded of a saying I once heard:

“Wisdom can begin when you accept that you don’t know anything.”

Being “wise” is a priceless skill that is acquired from experience only, and cannot be taught or learned from a book. Some of the most brilliant people who have ever lived or the brightest protégés in history–still lacked wisdom. 

It’s kind of an oxymoron: it almost takes someone denying they have wisdom, for them to have it. Does that make sense? Well, if we are following what the quote was telling us, it does. Because “wisdom starts when you accept you don’t know anything”.

But what is this quote really telling us? I don’t think it’s telling us that we really don’t know anything or that we are intellectually inferior or any of those things. I think it’s reminding us that in life, there will be times where we can’t know the answers. Where everything happening around us will make no sense whatsoever and no matter what we learned or how smart we may be, we won’t be able to use any of it to find an answer. It kind of sounds morbid, right? Almost, hopeless. How can we respond if we don’t understand? These moments are where you find what you are:

Wisdom isn’t the lack of understanding, it’s knowing what to do when you don’t understand 

Wisdom > Knowledge 

God Bless,

Gabe Gibilisco

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@gabegibilisco @thewritersblogg